Renal Autotransplantation as Surgical Treatment in Complex Ureteral Trauma


  • Rember Rosales Arriola Hospital General de Accidentes "Ceibal"
  • Carlos Gonzalo Estrada Pazos Hospital General de Accidentes "Ceibal"
  • José Godínez Sagastume Hospital General de Accidentes "Ceibal"



ureteral injuries, gunshot wound, laceration, transection, renal autotransplantation


INTRODUCTION: Abdominal gunshot wounds are one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality. Ureteral injuries caused by external mechanisms are mostly from abdominal gunshot wounds or stab wounds. OBJECTIVE: To present an interesting case of renal autotransplantation as a surgical treatment for complex ureteral trauma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The case of a 28-year-old male patient treated at the Hospital General de Accidentes "Ceibal" due to a mid-ureter injury caused by a gunshot wound is presented. RESULTS: Due to the type of lesion and time of evolution, a left renal autotransplant was performed without complications. The evolution was successful, corroborated by renal function tests and radiological studies. CONCLUSIONS: The management of ureteral injuries depends on the length of the injury. Small lesions can be repaired by uretero-ureteral anastomosis. There are multiple treatment options for complex ureteral lesions, renal autotransplantation being one of them.


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How to Cite

Rosales Arriola, R., Estrada Pazos, C. G., & Godínez Sagastume, J. (2024). Renal Autotransplantation as Surgical Treatment in Complex Ureteral Trauma. Revista Guatemalteca De Urología, 12(1), 21–23.



Case Reports Articles