Metachronous Bilateral Testicular Mixed Germ Cell Neoplasm: A Case Report.


  • Stephanie Judith López Balcarcel Hospital Roosevelt
  • Gustavo Ricardo Tercero Cabrera
  • Hugo Roberto Barbales Irias
  • Marco Antonio Ortiz Herrera
  • Gustavo Eduardo González Reynoso



Testicular tumor, Radical orchiectomy, Metachronous tumor


Introduction: Testicular tumors represent 1% of neoplasms in males, with the highest incidence between 15 and 35 years, 95% of them will be seminoma-type germ cells. 2% of patients can develop a bilateral tumor synchronously or metachronously, the latter occurs in most cases at 5 years, however it can present up to 10 years after the primary tumor. Objective: To present the clinical case of a patient with a metachronous mixed germ cell tumor developed 7 years after the primary tumor and its surgical management. Methods: Image studies and tumor markers are performed on the patient and he undergoes orchiectomy, reporting epididymis and spermatic cord without histological abnormalities, free of neoplasia, with adequate postoperative evolution and management with hormonal therapy. Conclusions: Treatment for a bilateral tumor, as well as a unilateral one, will depend on the histological type, the presence of metastases and the tumor markers, currently orchiectomy being the treatment of choice, accompanied by hormonal therapy or radiotherapy. Testicular tumors have an excellent prognosis even presenting in advanced stages, so strict follow-up is important after having treated a primary tumor.


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How to Cite

López Balcarcel, S. J., Tercero Cabrera, G. R., Barbales Irias, H. R., Ortiz Herrera, M. A., & González Reynoso , G. E. (2022). Metachronous Bilateral Testicular Mixed Germ Cell Neoplasm: A Case Report. Revista Guatemalteca De Urología, 10(1), 22–25.



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