Experience in Combined Therapy for Advanced Renal Cancer.


  • Estuardo Polanco G.
  • Alfredo Mansilla
  • Hugo Castro




Advanced Renal Cancer, Sunitinib, Cytoreductive nephrectomy


INTRODUCTION: In the last decade, radical nephrectomy (RN) has proven to enhance survival of patients with advanced stage renal cancer when combined with systemic therapy to act directly on the proliferation of cancer cells.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted analyzing 81 patients with advanced renal carcinoma treated in public and private practice from 2008 to 2018. These patients underwent RN and subsequently received anti-angiogenic therapy with sunitinib for advanced disease.

RESULTS: In the 10 year period, 69.2% of the patients undergoing RN were males (n=56). The average age at the time of diagnosis was at 59 (31-80) years.

The most frequent histological type of cancer was clear cell carcinoma in 88.8% of the cases (n=72), and 27.1% (n = 22) had metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis. 96.2% of the patients received Sunitinib as first line treatment, with an average of 6.2 (1-28) cycles.

The mean time to disease progression was 24.4 (2-33) months in patients without previous metastatic disease.

The survival rate of these patients was 46.3 months, and 18.4 months of those who already had metastases. The follow-up time was 30.8 (3-49) months.

CONCLUSION: Combination therapy in patients with advanced renal cancer is a good alternative that can be applied in our environment, with properly patient selection and therapy planning involving a multidisciplinary team.


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How to Cite

Polanco G., E., Mansilla, A., & Castro, H. (2020). Experience in Combined Therapy for Advanced Renal Cancer. Revista Guatemalteca De Urología, 8(2), 16–19. https://doi.org/10.54212/27068048.v8i2.36



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