Uraco Carcinoma Unusual Pathology: A Case Report and Literature Review


  • María Augusta Velasco Basantes Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala; Instituto Oncológico INCAN y Hospital Dr. Bernardo Del Valle.
  • Juan Bernardo Pazmiño Palacios Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala; Instituto Oncológico INCAN y Hospital Dr. Bernardo Del Valle
  • Antonio Miguel Rosales Torres Instituto Oncológico INCAN y Hospital Dr. Bernardo Del Valle
  • Karen Aileen Girón Orellana Instituto Oncológico INCAN y Hospital Dr. Bernardo Del Valle




surgical treatment, uraco, radiotherapy


OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics, treatment and evolution of urachal adenocarcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 39-year-old patient who was referred from Hospital Regional de Occidente of the Quetzaltenango Health Area, due to intermittent hematuria with a diagnostic impression of high-grade urothelial carcinoma in a pathological study in a previous cystoscopy biopsy. Receiving chemotherapy treatment without response. CLINICAL CASE: 39-year-old male patient with a history of type II diabetes mellitus, diagnosed 2 years ago with metformin-based treatment; presenting dysuria and intermittent hematuria of 1 year of evolution; with 2 cystoscopies that reported invasive adenocarcinoma muscle detruser free to discard uraco carcinoma. On physical examination of the abdomen there were no masses or lymphadenopathy. Normal chest X-ray, abdomen CT: 8 x 5.5 cm bladder mass in the bladder dome, adhered to the abdominal wall. He was taken to the operating room where a wide urachal resection plus partial cystectomy with bilateral pelvic inguinal dissection was performed. The pathology confirms the diagnosis with free margins. He was sent to radiotherapy and received 50 Gys to the bed; at the time of the study there were no recurrences. RESULTS: It is a rare disease, so there is no consensus on adjuvant treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Surgery (partial cystectomy) plus adjuvant therapy with chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy are indicated in this type of pathology. A rigorous multidisciplinary control and follow-up is necessary along with a broad educational plan for the patient and their families.


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How to Cite

Velasco Basantes, M. A. ., Pazmiño Palacios, J. B. ., Rosales Torres, A. M. ., & Girón Orellana, K. A. . (2021). Uraco Carcinoma Unusual Pathology: A Case Report and Literature Review. Revista Guatemalteca De Urología, 9(1), 33–39. https://doi.org/10.54212/27068048.v9i1.19



Case Reports Articles