Spermatocelectomy as Definitive Surgical Treatment for Epididymal Cyst. Live Sperm: Case Report


  • Lázaro Deinys Rodríguez Borrego Universidad de Ciencias Medica de La Habana https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5974-4931
  • Jorge Amed Fernández Pérez General Surgery Resident PYG 1. University of Miami / Jackson Memorial Hospital image/svg+xml
  • Grisel Pérez Merique Universidad Ciencias Médica Artemisa




epididymal cyst, testicular tumor, spermatocele, spermatocelectomy, sperm


We present a 35-year-old male patient who came to the Urology outpatient clinic due to an increase in left hemiscrotal volume, an epididymal cyst was diagnosed, and surgical treatment was performed by spermatoectomy. OBJECTIVE: We present a case of large cyst of the left epididymis in an adult with live spermatozoa, with the aim of performing spermatocytelectomy as a definitive surgical treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Once again, physical examination and plain testicular ultrasound are accurate tools for the diagnosis of the case. After histopathological diagnosis and timely surgical treatment (spermatoclemy), the patient maintains good general condition.


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Author Biography

Grisel Pérez Merique, Universidad Ciencias Médica Artemisa

Universidad Ciencias Médica Artemisa


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Borrego, L. D., Fernández Pérez , J. A., & Pérez Merique, G. (2024). Spermatocelectomy as Definitive Surgical Treatment for Epididymal Cyst. Live Sperm: Case Report. Revista Guatemalteca De Urología, 12(1), 28–30. https://doi.org/10.54212/27068048.v12i1.159



Case Reports Articles